For the next 6 months as I work towards a new series of paintings, I will be featuring 'Details' of these current paintings In progress. (A 'Detail' of a painting is a part or portion of it considered in isolation.)
What happens when a particular area doesn't work or gel with the rest? Sometimes it is the best part of the work but sadly enough, even the best part of a work of art has to be sacrificed for the betterment of the rest of the painting... Yikes !!! scary but true.
It is in these times I like to separate it from the whole by photographing and enjoying it as a complete piece on its own. It may eventually be saved on the original painting or it may be the last interaction I have with it on that piece. At least here it wont be forgotten, I can learn from it and it may even get the honor of becoming its very own painting in the future. Who knows if this detail will remain a part of the whole painting; a new painting; or not.
Will it Stay? or Sashay Away :-)
...Either way I get to honor it here.